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Seeing others as self – a new paradigm
A GREAT PARADIGM SHIFT IS UNDERWAY. New paradigm shifts are by their nature notoriously difficult to appreciate until they’re fully...
Is Ascension really SO simple?
WHAT IS ASCENSION? WHAT DOES ASCENSION MEAN? Is there a simple way to explain the process of human Ascension? This challenge may not be...
A paradigm shift in human Consciousness
We’re entering a new Golden Age, a New Era. A ‘Paradigm Shift’ in awareness & consciousness is now underway. Significant shifts in...
The Truth about life as a human!
​The Truth can be SO SIMPLE, but NOT always SO EASY to accept. It can be quite a shock! In this discussion we will present ONE MAJOR...
Who am I? Who am I really?
This question is said to be one of the most profound questions we could ever ask ourselves. An exploration of this can take a lifetime or...
How to bypass Ego: the final steps!
Our Ego-mind wants to identify, separate & disable any rival. Even if that rival ‘guidance system’ is an integral part of our true...
Who am I really? How the Universe solves this question.
In the previous blog post we posed the profound question ‘Who am I?’. We invited you to deeply contemplate this dilemma. It would...
Connecting to our higher-Self isn’t always easy!
Connection with our true inner-Self might be SIMPLE, but it’s not always EASY to do. Inner connection can provide remarkable insight &...
What are the Rules of this Game of life?
When we really understand something well, we can usually handle and explain it more simply. We can also convey more subtle Meaning & Joy...
STARTING at the End - Welcome to the new Paradigm
Sometimes it's better not STARTING at the beginning, but starting AT THE VERY END! ascending to a new paradigm of Consciousness....
What is Consciousness – Is it really SO complicated?
Is this the most profound question one could ever ask? It's certainly bigger than just asking "Who am I?" which is a big enough question...
Ascension or Not? It’s Our Choice
Dec 21 2012 was never about ‘The End of the World’…That’s the stuff of Hollywood movies & the fear mongers. The Truth however is more...
About our LOGO - what's it all about?
Is it just too simple, too subtle & even too ‘bland’! Could a visual symbol like this actually ‘affect us’, or convey some hidden...
About our SLOGAN - A website to help us to SIMPLY 'BE’
What’s the slogan mean? What does it mean to SIMPLY 'BE'? Why would that be of great benefit or any use at all? This blog...
About our MESSAGE - What’s it all mean?
What’s the ‘MESSAGE’ all about? What does it really MEAN? It’s somewhat like asking the perennial question… “What’s the...
About our NAME -
What’s in a name? What’s in OUR name? It’s really is SO simple… but it’s also SO subtle & SO subliminal!OUR NAME is important to us....
About our WEBSITE - What does it do?
The first question about the website is often: ‘What is it meant to do?’. The thought-based mind desperately wants to...
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